- She's almost 60!? WTF?! I don't know, but I find it hard to believe that Nat King Cole's little girl is that old. Listen to me. I'm acting as though I knew her when she really was a little girl. In reality, I'm just shocked that this broad is older than my parents.
- Her real name is Stephanie. Knowing that she's so old, it makes a bit more sense as to why she didn't go with Stephanie. It was probably a super weird name that nobody had back then. Kinda like Carly. I never knew any other Carly growing up and they never had personalized license plates for me at gift shops. Now there are millions of little girls running around with my name, and I find it a blessing. When I get old, everyone will think I'm younger than I am. Just like we would've thought with Stephanie Natalie Cole. But I guess going with her middle name helped her secure those ties with daddy Nat and boost her career, eh?
- She used to refer to her family as "the black Kennedys." No comment. (Tried hard to find the clip from "Jerry Maguire" where Jerry says "no comment" and realizes Cush is cheatin on him with Bob Sugar. No avail.)
- She was a druggie?! I guess this is old news by now, but I had no idea. Apparently, she's been sick for about a year. Her kidneys are all jacked up because she she got Hep C from doing so many drugs. WTF Natalie?! You been hanging with Pammy Anderson? Your daddy would never knowingly do that duet with you knowing what a bad kid you'd become.
Looking back, it was really weird, because my junior prom was in 1998 and that fake duet came out in 1991. At least we didn't go totally trite like 75% of the proms that year and use a Green Day's "Time of Your Life." We kept it klassy. Senior year's theme was equally retro and Rat Packy: Van Morrison's "Moondance." It was a great song, and the resulting commemorative grey long-sleeved prom t-shirts were pretty rad, but I distinctly remember nobody knowing how to dance to it. It's not a slow song, and it's not a fast song, and we were in high school in the 90s, so nobody knew the foxt trot. It was very awkward and cumbersome, even for 600 white kids. Maybe we could've used some dancing lessons from the black Kennedys.