
wikrolling: an experiment or an experience?

So I'm not necessarily sure the phenomenon commonly (?) known as Rickrolling has swept the nation as vastly as I originally thought. In my social circle, it's rather commonplace due to our pre-Rickroll affinity for Rick Astley's classic tune. In any event, for those of you unaware or too lazy to click on that link above, Rickrolling is ostensibly a bait & switch trick in which one sends a friend/nemesis/unsuspecting parent a link, claiming it's awesome/awesomer/a quiz to tell you which flower best represents you (respectively)...but, SURPRISE! It redirects to the YouTube video of Rick Astley's 1987 hit "Never Gonna Give You Up". A hilarious albeit elementary concept to say the least, Rickrolling as a trend seems to have worn out its welcome.

That's why I find it necessary to bring it back...kinda. As I tend to not read books (deal with it) but rather immerse myself in the randomly useless facts I can find by browsing the wonder that is Wikipedia, I've decided to Wikroll myself as part of my foray into the blogging community (that sounded really effing trite, but it's true, okay). What this means is, whenever I find the urge to log-via-web, I'll wander over to Wikipedia, click the always precocious "random article," and see what surprises me. Maybe it's something awesome--like Bora Bora or Reese's Pieces. Maybe it's not--like Philip V of Spain (perhaps the most unattractive king of all time) or sap. Either way, in true improvisational comedy fashion (I do have over $2000 worth of experience on the subject), I'll see what kind of funny junk this random topic inspires from me. If all goes well, you'll all laugh a lot. If all goes poorly, then, uhhh...shut up. Let's get started. Click here for the first post.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I actually fell for the rickroll-description rickroll. Ass.
